Hello,It's Me


And I'm a

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Frontend Developer

Frontend developer with experience building singlre-page web application and a knack for creating attractive user interfaces. skilled experience in React, Node, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

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Web Development

Motivated designer and developer with experience creating custom websites through React, JavaScript and CSS.

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UI/UX Design

You cannot make a good design if you do not understand people; design is made for people.

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App Design

I'm UI/UX Designer with a great passion to my work. The main goal is to create modern, attractive and user-friendly interfaces and find creative and simple solutions for your business.

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Perssonal Portfolio

In this project I try making my own portfolio website for myself. Showcase my projects, my social media handles, my experience on the website.


In this project I try deployed dynamics website for movies.so that we can get the info of movie by connecting to databases.

Simple Calculator

In this project we can do simple mathematic calculation.
